1. Antioxidant
Rutin has strong antioxidant properties. Rutin has also the property to chelate metal ions, such as iron, thereby reducing the Fenton reaction (production damaging oxygen radicals). It can protect the body from disease as well as fight off any free radicals that accumulate.
2. Blood vessel health
Rutin has the ability to strengthen and preserve the structure of capillaries and promote circulation of the blood in the body, thereby greatly helping people who bruise or bleed easily. Studies have also demonstrated that rutin can help to stop venous edema, which is an early sign of chronic venous disease of the leg.
Recommended Dosage —— 1500 mg/d
3. Anti-inflammatory effects
Rutin has anti-inflammatory properties. Taking products containing rutin can help relieve pain, reduce swelling and improve knee function in people with osteoarthritis. It can also be used as a treatment for people suffering from colitis and inflammatory bowel disease.
Recommended Dosage —— For osteoarthritis: 2 tablets of a combination product (Phlogenzym), which contains 100 mg of rutin, 48 mg of trypsin, and 90 mg of bromelain, 3 times daily.
*The Content here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.